Taking advantages of big data, cloud computing, data collection, transmission devices, software, and increasingly connected society, we have stepped into the fourth industrial revolution- Industry 4.0.
But what is Industry 4.0 all about?
Most commonly defined, the 4th industrial revolution is a combination of hardware, software, and cyber-physical systems, to emphasize Human-Machine communication and connectivity. Significant contribution in Industry 4.0 came from the advances in emerging technologies, such as the Internet of things, AI, Machine Learning, 5G, Cyber-Physical Systems, 3D Printing, and autonomous vehicles.
Webinar agenda:
- From 1st to 4th Industrial Revolution
- What to do with all the data? A typical challenge in many Manufacturing companies
- Overall Equipment Effectiveness as an example of different data sources connected in useful information
- Development of our solutions for Industry 4.0 using the GAP-FIT model
- The practical value of our solutions for Industry 4.0