With pride we can say that at the moment we are the best Veeam partner in providing solutions for small and middle companies in the region. A plaque, that we received, represents invested knowledge and effort, but we wouldn’t achieve this without our clients that trusted us implementation of Veeam solutions. Therefore, we sincerely thank them.
Veeam Availability Platform solution enables companies that their business processes work continuously, without unnecessary disruptions.
Because of its exceptional abilities of transforming to the needs of different companies Veeam is becoming one of the leading products for safety copying in a virtual environment. It boasts of a simple installation and managing, it also allows making safety copies and deduplication. Reliability of archives is checked by the system automatically, that allows quick and reliable restoration from safety copies. Agility is ensured with simple passing between different cloudy solutions. Advanced analytics take care of comprehensive insight of activity, it also allows optimization of activity and is compliant with different rules (e. g. GDPR).